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Mapped | The Biggest Companies By Market Cap in 60 Countries 💰
Tech, finance or energy giant? Each country has one company that stands above the rest. We mapped the biggest companies by market cap and industry. Is your portfolio prepared for the transition to a
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Infographic | What Gets Made from a Barrel of Crude Oil? ⛽
We visualize the finished products and fuels that are created from a barrel of crude oil. Is your portfolio prepared for the transition to a net-zero economy? >> Find out what's at stake.
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Ranked | The 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the Next Decade 📈
The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 7.7% overall job growth by 2030, but we visualize the 20 fastest growing (and declining) jobs on the market. Is your portfolio prepared for the transition to a
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Sunday Digest | All of the Week's Infographics
Sunday Digest - Every Infographic From the Past Week View this email in your browser Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place! 9/11
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Charted | Visualizing the Typical Atlantic Hurricane Season 🌀
While the Atlantic hurricane season runs from June to late November, about 85% of activity happens between August, September, and October. Ecommerce marketing made simple. > View infographic
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Infographic | Big Cycle Shift: Three Investment Opportunities for the Future 📈
Here are three big investment opportunities to consider as the US government proposes a record $6 trillion in budget initiatives. Big Cycle Shift: Three Investment Opportunities for the Future Here are
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Infographic | All of the World's Languages, in One Visualization 💬
See the world's major languages broken down by country and native speakers in this stunning visualization. Ecommerce marketing made simple. > View infographic TIMELESS All of the World's
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Infographic | 9/11 Timeline: Three Hours That Changed Everything 👈
It's been 20 years since the events of 9/11. What exactly transpired in those three hours that tragic morning? Ecommerce marketing made simple. > View infographic FEATURED STORY 9/11 Timeline:
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Infographic | How Genetically Similar Are We To Other Life Forms? 🔬
Humans are 99.9% genetically similar to one another, but what about other species? We explore the genetic similarity between us and other life forms Ecommerce marketing made simple. > View
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A Sneak Peek: What's New on VC+ in September 🏆
Counting down the special features coming to VC+ members throughout this month. View this email in your browser Get More Visual Capitalist in Your Inbox If you're a regular visitor to Visual
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Sunday Digest | All of the Week's Infographics
Sunday Digest - Every Infographic From the Past Week View this email in your browser Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place!
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Infographic | Razor Thin: A New Perspective on Earth's Atmosphere 🌎
Earth's atmosphere is thousands of miles high, but only a fraction can sustain life. Here's a look at how small Earth's habitable zone is. FEATURED STORY Razor Thin: A New Perspective on
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Ranked | The 10 Worst American Cities for Traffic, by Hours Lost 🚦
America's major cities are some of the most traffic congested in the world. Click to find out which ones made the top 10. FEATURED STORY How Many Hours Do Americans Lose to Traffic Congestion?
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Mapped | The World's 25 Largest Lakes, Side by Side 🌎
This unique map graphic uses the Great Lakes region as a point of comparison for the top 25 largest lakes in the world. TIMELESS The World's 25 Largest Lakes, Side by Side This unique map graphic
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Ranked | The World's 10 Fastest Growing Brands in 2021 📈
Which brands grew their value the most in a pandemic-challenged year? We rank the top 10 in this chart. FEATURED STORY Ranked: The Fastest Growing Brands in 2021 Which brands grew their value the most
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Ranked | The Top 50 Highest-Paid Athletes in 2021 🏆
Athletes pull huge sums of money from their on-field and off-field contracts. Here we rank the top 50 highest-paid athletes in the world. FEATURED STORY Ranked: The 50 Highest-Paid Athletes in 2021
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Infographic | Comparing the Size of The World’s Rockets, Past and Present 🚀
The SpaceX Starship is the next rocket to take us to the moon, and maybe beyond. This infographic sizes up different rockets used to explore space. FEATURED STORY Comparing the Size of the World's
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Sunday Digest | All of the Week's Infographics
Sunday Digest - Every Infographic From the Past Week View this email in your browser Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place!
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Mapped | The Language Each Country Wants to Learn the Most 💬
Learning a new language has become a popular hobby during the pandemic. Here are the most popular languages people wanted to learn worldwide. FEATURED STORY Mapped: The Language Each Country Wants to
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Infographic | Every Single Cognitive Bias in One Infographic 👈
Here's all 188 cognitive biases in existence, grouped by how they impact our thoughts and actions. TIMELESS Every Single Cognitive Bias in One Infographic Here's all 188 cognitive biases in